1883 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1976 edition)



207, Hot Spiced E-tuh.

(TJsosmoll bar gloos.)

1 teaspoonfol of sngar. 1 wiae-glass of Jamaica rnm. 1 teaspoonful of mixed spices, (allspice and cloves.) 1 piece of butter as large as balf of a chestuut Fill tumbler witb hot water.

208. Hot Rum.

(Uso email bar glose.)

This drink ia made the same as the hot spiced rum, omit- ting the spices, and grating a little nntmeg on top.

209. Ston© Fence.

(Use largo bar glosa.)

1 wine-glass of whiskey (Bourbon). 2 or 3 small lumps of ice. Fill up thé glass witb sweet cider.

210. Absintli©. (Ueo email bar glass.)

1 wine-glass of absinthe. Pour Tvater, drop by drop, until the glass is fuU Kerei nse a spoon.

211. Rhin© "Wine and Seltzer-"Wat9ir.

(Use large bar glass.)

Fill large bar glass half full with Rliinc wine, and fiL' balance Avith Seltzer-water. This is a German drink, and is not very likely to be called for at an American bar.

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