1884 The Modern Bartenders' Guide by O H Byron( paper wrap)



Rhubarb "Wine.

Chop the Rhubarb plant, di-aiu off the juice, and to each quart, add a quai-t of water and2pounds ofsugar. Let it ferment, and bottle when clear.

Tomato Wine.

One quarttomato juice. One pound sugar.

Use no yeast, as it willferment without it. This wine is muchthought ofin some places, and is easy to make.

To Clean a Wine barrel.

It is necessary, in preparing a new barrel for wine, to scald it in salt water, and afterwards to soak it in two cold waters, after which heat a little wine or pure spirits and rmse out the barrel. When a wine cask is emptied, always drain it thoroughly, burn a brimstone match, throw It in the cask, and bung it immediately. A wine cask should be raised from the cellar floor about6 inches;the temperature be kept at about 65 or GO degrees,the cellar clean and protected from currentsof air.

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