1888 Bartender's Manual by Theodore Proulx (Revised Edition)
15 It should be served delicately in a pony g lass, with a glass of wa ter on the side, and the pony glass should be set upon the bottom of a whisky glass-that is, a whisky glass turned upside down. N. B.-All other cordials should be served in the same manner. Champagne Bowl Punch. For one gallon about one dozen of lumps of sugar, one jigger of maraschino and one of curacoa, 3 quarts of champagne and one of apollinaris water; the cham– pag ne a nd apollinaris must bf' excessively cold before preparing this as no ice should be used in it; add sliced orang es, pine apple, berries, etc. , floating on top. ( For thi s excellent receipt I am indebted to Mr. Harry Stiles, for r6 years with Chapin & Gore.) Ctuacoa Punch. In a cobbler glass a little syrup, lemon Juice as in a sour, about half pony of curacoa, one jigger of brandy, a dash of Jamaica rum, fill with fine ice, stir well with a spoon, and decorate with fruits and two straws. Cincinnati or Dutch Cocktail. Pop and beer. Chocolate ·Cocktail. In a mixing glass a little curacoa, the yolk of an egg , one jigger of brandy, lumps of ice ; shake up and strain in a stem champagne g lass.
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