1888 Bartender's Manual by Theodore Proulx (Revised Edition)
Claret Cup. For one gallon, the juice of one dozen of lemons, one pound of sugar, one jigger of maraschino, one jigger of curacoa, one gallon of claret wine; stir well until the sugar is all dissolved; put in a punch bowl with one big chunk of ice, with all kinds of fruits sliced and floating on top. For one gallon of flip it requires eighteen eggs, one pound of sugar, one P.int of Medford rum, one pint of brandy, one quart of milk a-i:id two quarts of champag ne. It is prepared thus: take the white of six eggs and beat it very hard. Then beat the balance of the eggs, the yolk and white together, until they are very light, add the sugar and stir well, then add the liquors, stirring it thoroughly; on the top spread the white of the eggs. Then with the help of a cor– nucopia filled with colored sands and a small opening at the end, you can write the motto "Merry Christ– mas," or "Happy New Year," which ever is appropri– ate. For two or more gallons the bartender can guide himself by the estimate of one gallon. Champagne Flip.
Are made the same as a ] ohn Collins with the ex– ception that you use Jamaica rum instead of Tom g in and a flavor of curacoa is added to a Durkee .
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