1888 Bartender's Manual by Theodore Proulx (Revised Edition)

Egg· Nog:g. Use a soda glass and break into it an egg; put in two or three lumps of ice (bar ice is too fine and dis– solves too rapidly for this style of drink), add a light tablespoonful of sugar, half a jigger of whisky, and one-half a jigger of rum, and fill up with milk; shake well and strain into a dry glass in the winter and a cooled glas~ in summer. Eg·g Flip or Sherry Flip. . ' Use for this a mixing glass. Break in an egg, with some lumps of ice ; add half a tabl espoonful of sugar an~ one jigger of sherry wine; shake well and strain in a stem champagne glass; Aavor with nutmeg if your customer desires it. X. 'L. C.R. or Excelsior. Take a cobbler glass ; put in a piece .of twisted lemon-peel; sweeten with syrup as you would a cobbler ; then fill the glass with ice ; then fill glass half full with Rhine wine, and stir with a spoon. Now take the spoon and place the outside against the inside of the glass, and pour in slowly some claret wine until full. The claret will remain upon the surface of the Rhine wine, and thus give a very nice effect to the beverage. Decorate with fruit and serve with straws. Egg Nogg-Bowl. Is made exactly the same as a Champagne Flip, substituting milk for the champagne.

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