1888 Bartender's Manual by Theodore Proulx (Revised Edition)

bitte rs. It is prepared in the same manne r as a reg ular cocktail. Plain Leinonade. On e whole lerrion peeled and cut in two, put in a lemonade g lass, one full tablespoon of sugar, squeeze well with muddler, fill half ·full with fine ice , then fill full with wate r. Shake well and strain it, unless told not t o. Puritan Cooler. In the larg est si ze of thin g lass ; one chunk of ice , one jigge r of whisky and a bottl e of imported g inge r ale, with a little orange juice. Perry Oyster. Break in a whisky glass one eg g, add salt, p epper an d v inegar, and then you have an artificial oyster. Plymouth Cocktail. A regular cocktail mad e out of Plymouth gin. The Prohibition. I s made of one egg, a little lemon juice, one glass of cider; shake up in the ice and stra in ; with a little nutmeg, if desired. Port Wine Sangaree. P ut in a mixing g lass a t easpoonful of sug ar, fill up two-thirds with fin e ice, one jigger of port win e,

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