1888 Bartender's Manual by Theodore Proulx (Revised Edition)

Ramson Cooler. Take a thin glass and cool it, while you are care– fully cutting the rind from a whole lemon into an un– broken string, then empty the glass. With your left hand take the end of the lemon-peel string, then let the other extremity into the g lass, lower the other end until you have about half of it into the glass, then , put in the center one well-shaped lump of ice near the size of an egg , let the balance of the peel fall over it. If you do that dexte rously, it will have the appear– a nce of a snake. Add one jigger of Tom gin and half a bottle of Delatour soda. It makes an excel– lent cooling drink. Seltzer Water. Seltze r, and all other mineral waters, are served in a punch , or modern champagne glass. Sauterne Sangaree. This is made similar to a Port Wine Sangaree, sauterne being substituted for the Port. St. Croix Rum Punch. The same mode of making as any other punch, substituting St. Croix rum in place of other liquors. Sherry Flip. . Thi s is made in precisely the same way as an Egg Flip.

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