1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)

- 53 - 93. SANTINAS POUSSE CAFE. (Use a Sherry wine glass. 1/3 wine glass of Maraschino; 1/3 wine glass of Curayoa (red); 1 h wine glass of French Brandy; and serve. This drinkis generally indulged in after partaking of a cup of black coffee, and care must be taken to prevent the different liquors from running into each other, as.the proper appearance has a great deaJ. to do with it. 94. SAUTERNE COBBLER (Use a large bar glass.) 1;2 table-spoonful of sugar; 1;2 ~ne glas~ Orchard syrup; 1/4 wine glass of water or Selters; dissolved well with a spoon; Fill the glass with :fine. shaved ice ; F/ 2 wine glass of Sauterne wine; stir ·up well ornament with grapes, oranges, pineapple. berries; etc., and serve with a straw.

95. MILK ~UNCH. (Use a large bar glass.)

0 /,t table-spoonful sugar; 1/3 glass of :fine ice ; 1 wme glass of Brandy ; 1;2 wine glass o~ St. _Croi."'C. rum;

Fill the glass with rich milk, shake the ingredient.s together, strain into a fancy bar glass, grate a little nutmeg on top and serve. Bartenders must understand that these prescrip~ tions for mixed drinks are strictly and exclusively • :first-class ; ther efore if a bart~nder works in a place wJrich is not :first-class, and is not getting a high price for h~s drin).r_s, he. must use bis own judgement about the mgredients, m order not to sell his drinks without profit. For instance where I say Brandy in

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