1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox


Brandy and Gum. Whiskey GlaBS. One or two das hes gum s yrup. One or two lumps Ice Place a s poon in t he g lass, and h a nd with a boWe of brandy to the customer.

Improved Brandy Cocktail. Use ordinary bm· gla8.~. Take two das hes Bokor's (or AngosLura) bitters .

Three das hes g um syrup. 'f wo das hes Maraschino. One das h abs inthe. One small piece or tho yellow r ind of a lemon, twisted to express t h o o il. One s mnll wine-glass o f b ra ndy . tr Fill glass one-third full o f s haved ice, s halw well , o.nd 5 1 ain into a fancy cockto.ll glass, put the lemo11 peel i11 the g ass and serve. kThe flavor is Improved by moisteni ng tllc edge of t he coc tall glaas with a piece of lemo11. .

Brandy and Soda or Stone Wall. A large bar glass. One wine-g lass bra ndy. One-half g las& wi t h fin e ice. Fill up with plain soda. 10 allove is a pleas ing drink for s umme r.

Tl .

Brandy, burned, and Peach.

Small bar glass.


0 vine-glass brandy. ne-hulr t bl B a espoon s ugn1·. ,,,urn bmndy and s ugar t ogether in a dish or saucer . .a.wo 0 1· th· · Pl iee slices dried peach. it, gra~~eat~e f1·uit in the glass. pour tho burn ed liqu id over Th itUc nuLmeg on Lop, o.nd serve. 9ases oet adbiove Is a Southern preparation, and often used in " arrhwa. .

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