1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox



Bra ndy Crust.a• .Ll large brir gla.qs. Three-quarters o r g lass fill e d w it h fi ne ice. Three o r four dashes gum syru p. One or two dashes Angosturn. bitte rs . One or two dash.es lemon juice.

'l.'wo dlllihes Mnrnschino. 0110 wine-glnss of brn.ndy.

. Procure a. nice brig ht lemon the s izo o f yo ur wine– glass. Peel the rind from It n.ll in one piece; lit it in to t he glass, coveting the entire ins ide ; run a s lice ~ o f lemon :round the edge, and dip the g lass i n pow~c i·e

Whiskey Cr u st.a. A large bar gla8s. Three or four dashes gum syr up. One or two dashes Angostu1·a bit ters . One or two dashes of lemon j uice. Two dashes Maraschino. Fill glnss ha.If full of fine ice . . Three-quarters of wine-glass whislcey.


s ize 0 ix the ingredients thoroughly. 'l'ukc a lemon ~he au l r a fancy cor.ktall glass peel it s o a s to h:wc t he rind n one piece fit 't I t , I·t ii g l Ass . Moi s t<> n the edge or • 1 n o a coc , a . powd Your glass wiLh lemon ju ice and dip the ed ge 111 glass ered sugar, then strain t ho mixture into yo ur pi·epured and serve. A small bar glass. iree or lour dashes gum syrup. ~ne-he.U the Julee of a lemon. wo or three <.lashes of orange cor d ia l. On e Wine-glass brandy . .• Fill ~ta~s half full fine ice, s hake thor o ug hly, str ain and fill up with seltzer watQ1· or Apoilinurls. Bra ndy Daisy. Ti

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