1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox
Sherry Egg Nogg, No. 2. L cirye liar ylai;s. Ono tablespoon s ugar. On e egg. Two wine glasses sheny.
Half-glass fine ice, fill with mil k, s hake t hornughly, nut– meg ou top.
Brandy Fix. A large lim· glass.
Fill glass with fine ice. Half- tablespoon sugar dissolverl in half wine - glass seltz~t· water. One-half pony glass pineapple syrup. One wiue-glass brandy. Stir with a. spoou. Dress with fruits. Sonre with a straw. Gin Fix. A large liur glru;s. Onc-hulf tablespoon s ugar in a little seltzer. One. ha lf pony pineapple syrup. Fill glass with fine ic<'. One wine.glass of Holland gin. Stir well. Dress with fruits and serve wit h a straw.
Whiskey Fix. A large liar glass.
Three-quarte r g lass fine ice. One.half tablespoon eugar. Two or th ree das hes lemon juice. Half pony pineapple syru p. One wine-glass whis key. Stir well and dress with fruit. Serve with a straw.
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