1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox



Golden Fizz.

One egg (yolk only). One tablespoon s ugar. Two or three das hes lemon juice . One win e-glass Old T om gin or whiskey. Three-quarte rs of the glass fin e icto.

Use the shaker well ; s t ra in into a fizz g lass. Fill up wit h seltzer or vichy aud drink immediately.

_Whiskey Fizz. Ono.half teaspoon fine s ugar. Juice of half a lemon . One or two das hes of lhe white of egg. Ono wine-glass whi$key. Three-quarters gla!;R full of fine lee. Shake well ; s train into a fizz glass ; fill it with seltzer water or vichy. Serve.

Brandy Flip. L arge /Jctr gtuas.

Ha lf fill glass wit h fin e ice. One egg beat en thoroughly. One-half tablespoon sugar. One wine-glass brandy. Use t he s haker in mixing; stra in into a fancy bar glass ; grate a litt le nutmeg on top. Serve. Gin Flip. A lctrge IJctr glass. One tables poon s uga r dissolved in u. little seltzer water. One wine.gla5s Bolla nd gin. Fill glass half full fine ice ; s hake well, and strain into a fancy glass and serve.

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