1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox



Gin Sour.

Use smalL bar glasa. T u.kc o n e lar go teaspoonful ot white sugar dissolved in n. ll llle soltzor o r Apollino.l'is water. •r wo o r throe dashes ot lemon juice. On e wino-g lass or Holland or Old Tom gin. Fill t.h o g loss full of s hnxc1l ico, shake up, and etrnin into a Clarnt g lass. Dross t he top with orange, or pineapple and berries .

Egg Sour.

Use small bar glass. T a ke one teas poonful of powdered white sugar. T hree dashes of lemon juice. One pony of Curacoa. Ono pony of brandy. Ono egg. T \YO or t hroe smaJI lumps of Ice. Sh a ke u p w ell and romovo t he ice before serving.

Whiskey Sour.

Use small bar glass. T ake o n e large teaspoonful of powdered whlte s ugar, dissolvt>d in a little seltzer or A pollinaris water. The juice of hn.lf n smnll lemon. One wi ne-glass of Bourbon or rye whls kl)y. Fill the glass full of s lmvcd ict>, s ha.lrn up nnd strnin nto n Ularet glass. Oi·nnmant wilh berries.

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