1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox



Brunswick Cooler. A large bar glaaa.

Juice of one lemon. H air t a blespoonful powdt>red suga.,– Onu bott le cold ginger ale.

Stir well, dross with fruit, and serve.

R.ocky Mountain Cooler.

Ono egg beaten up. Hnlf tn.blcspoon powdered sugar. Juice of on e s mall lt'mon.

Add cider, s t ir well, grate a litt le nutmeg on top U de sired.

Fedora. Use a large bar 9lass. One pony of the best brandy. One pony of Curacoa. Half pony of Jaruaicn rum. Half pony or Bourbon. Ono tablespoonful of sugar, little water. One slice of lemon. 11

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Fill the tumbler with fine ice· shake we an i ' w th berries or small pieces of orange; serve

with a. straw.

Family Beer. T en gnllon.s boiling water. Fift~en ouuces ground ginger. 'fen ounues cre11m tartar.

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T en lemons slicud.

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