1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox


Bottled Velvet. Use ci 1mnch bowl. One quart bot tle of Moselle . Hulf pint or Sherry wi11e. Two tablespoonfuls of bugar. One lemon. One s prig of ver bena.

Peel the lemon vt>ry t hin, us ing o nly s ufficient of the pell! to produce the desired flu.vor; al.Id t ho other ingra– tllents ; strain encl ice.

Balaklavo Nectar. For ct parly of.fifteen.

Thl.oly peel the r ind of half a lemo n, s hred it flnfl, and put it in a punch bowl, add four tablespoonfuls of crus hed s ugar and the juicu of one lemon. One gill of Maraschino. Two bottles of sorla. Two bottles of Cla ret wine. Two bottles of Champagne. Stir well wgether and dress t he top with fruit in season.

Claret Cup for a Par ty. Use a bowl f or mixing. Ten to twelve JJieccs of I ump s ugar. One bottle of Apo Iii naris . Two lemons , two ora11ges a nd half a pineapple, cut in s lices. Two wine-glasst>s of Maraschino.

. Mix well with a ladl,.., pince t his into your vessel or t in chsh filled with lee, when t hu party is rea-dy to call for it, add: Four bottles fin e Claret. One bottle of Champagne, or any other spark– ling wine. Mix t hor oughly and place s ufficient berri!ls on t op and serve It, and you will hnvti an elega nt Claret Cup.

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