1889 The American Bar-tender's Guide (Australia) by Jerry thomas


1 large wine-glass of port wine. 1 pony of brandy. 2 or 8 lumps of ice. Break the egg into the glass, put in t h e sugar, and lastly the port wine, brandy and ice. Shake up very thoroughly, and strain into a medium bar goblet. G r a t e a l i t t l e n u t meg o n t o p b e f o r e serving. The name of this d|ink is a misnomer, as cofFee and bitters are not to be found among its ingredients, but it looks like co8'ee when it has been properly concocted, and hence probably its name.

Vermouth Cock t a i l . (Use small bar-glass.) Take 2 dashes of Boker's bitters.

1 wine-glass of Vermouth. 1 quarter slice of lemon.

Shake the bitters and vermouth with a small lump of ice, strain in a cocktail glass in which the lemon has been placed. I f t h e customer pr efers it v e r y sweet, add two dashes of gum syrup.

A ,bsinthe Cock t a i l . (Use small bar-glass.)

Take 2 dashes of Anisette;

1 dash of Angostura bitters. 1 pony-g4,ss of Absinthe.

Pour about one w'ine-glass of water into the tumbler in a small stream from t he i ce p i t cher, or preferably

Ma m e l o c lK T o RNs hcRAoO i Retail price,sd., 1/- 4 1/6 per plug.

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