1892 The flowing bowl when and what to drink (1892, c1891)
127. Cljocolak |)uncl).
A glass with an egg in the bottom, a spoonful of sugar,
of brandy,
of port wine,
l /2>
i dash of creme de cocoa, 1 pony of cream. Fill your glass with ice; shake well; strain, and serve.
128. Claret Cup.
A good sized bowl,
% pony of maraschino, YZ pony of Curasao, Yz pony of benedictine, Yz pony of chartreuse (yellow),
the juice of 6 limes, 2 bottles of claret,
i bottle of Rhine wine or Moselle, a bottle of Apollinaris, Yz pound of sugar, a little rind of a cucumber, a little orange and pineapple sliced, a few sprigs of mint.
Stir this very well; add a little coarse ice,
and serve.
Cosmopolitan Cooler.
A long glass,
the juice of 2 limes, a few dashes of Seltzer, a spoonful of powdered sugar, mix this well; a drink of Santa Cruz rum, then fill the glass with fine ice,
stir all ingredients well; a dash of Jamaica rum. Crown it with vanilla ice-cream and ornament with berries lightly powdered with sugar; serve with a straw.
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