1892 The flowing bowl when and what to drink (1892, c1891)



130. Champagne (Hup.

It is made like a claret cup, only use champagne instead of claret.

131. Columbus


The juice of half an orange and the juice of half a lemon in the bottom of the glass; dissolve this with a spoonful of sugar and a dash of mineral water, 1 glass of Chianti, 2 dashes of Jamaica rum,

i dash of maraschino,

I dash of brandy. Mix this well, fill your glass with fine ice, soglio and ornament with fruits and ice-cream.

add a dash of Ro-

132. Coffee anb Hum.


Break an egg in a glass, beat it up well; a spoonful of sugar, a drink of old Jamaica rum. Mix this up well, pour in a cup of the best mocha or Java coffee hot and finish with a piece of best butter. Best take this drink right after rising.

133. Stye Correspondent.

A pony glass,

Ys of creme de roses, y$ of green chartreuse,

*/$ of brandy. Light this for two minutes and serve.

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