1892 The flowing bowl when and what to drink (1892, c1891)
208. Stye
A goblet, with
i dash of maraschino,
i dash of creme de roses, glass of fine ice, Yz of sherry, Yz of port wine, Yz of vino vermouth. Mix this thoroughly; strain into a fancy glass,
and serve.
209. Roman
large, thin glass,
the juice of an orange, the juice of half a lime or lemon in the bottom, a spoonful of sugar, a squirt of mineral water, dissolve this well; Yz pony of curagao, Yz pony of maraschino, i pony of brandy,
1 dash of Jamaica rum.
Mix this thoroughly well; fill your glass with fine ice; orna- ment the brim with oranges and pineapple, and the centre with ice-cream and berries. Serve with a spoon and a straw.
210. Retime.
A mixing-glass, with ice,
2 dashes of gum, i pony of brandy, Yz pony of maraschino, Yz pony of curagao, Yz glass of vanilla ice-cream.
Shake this very well; strain and serve.
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