1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co

unliversally JJlayed, strlngen t rules shcruld be adopted !or it. Such rules as are .presented a r e in accorda nce with those employed in N ew York city. "!'he right to play the jack~pot at all is disputed by m a ny players. The argu– ment agiaoinst ·it is ·that .it is a diabolical invention of Kitty. It is true that th more frequent a r e ja cl{-pots, the larger ·t:'he earnings of the Kitty.) Al1 the rules of poker a re .ma de •to prevent fraud. Every rule should be strictly a dher ed to. VALUE OF THE HANDS AT POKER. Singly eacih card possesses its ordina ry v a lue, as m w hist. No P alrs.- The ·lowest ha nd Is one in w'Mclh , tn the five cards, r even •the th ird card a fter t he pa ir .tJo decide on the value of the hand. One of Vhl! rare~t things is to see t-h e same cards h eld exactly by ~he •two ha nds. This may 9cC'llr, bwt n ev e·r when •threes, fu!-Js, or !ours !lir e held . ('Dhrees a nd fu lls will be explained la ter.) Two Pairs.--Two pa'!rs beat a single pair. Of the two pa.irs the higher wins when pitted against a ny ot-her two pairs. A pa:lr of aces a nd a pair of deu ces a·r e better than

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