1895 Mixed Drinks by Herbert W Green



LILLIAN RUSSELL. Fill lemonade-glass two-tliirds full of fine ice, one bar-spoonful Curacao, one bar-spoonful Maras chino, fill witb Cook's Imperial. One pint will make two. STRAINED TODDY. Fill mixing-glass two-tbirds full of-fine ice, large spoonful syrup,one piece twisted lemon peel, jig'ger wbisky. Stir; strain in previously cooled cocktail glass, add nutmeg; ice water on tbe side. SHERIDAN PUNCH OR FLOAT. Strain lemonade in _ thin lemonade-glass to within an inch of top, float over a spoon oiie-half jigger whisky on lemonade.


Fill mixing-glass two-thirds full of fine ice, oils jigger Absinthe, large spoonful Orgeat syrup, white one egg. Shake v/ell; strain in thin lem onade-glass; fill with syphon seltzer.

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