1895 Modern American drinks; how to mix and serve all kinds of cups and drinks



Siberian Punch.

The juice of half a lemon, one jigger water, and one tablespoonful fine sugar, dissolved in a mix- ing-glass, add one jigger Czarowitch (eau de vie d'oranges), fill the glass with fine ice; shake until very cold. Serve in a long thin glass, ornament with fruit. Sip with straws.

St. Charles Punch.

In a mixing-glass one teaspoonful fine sugar dissolved in a little water, add the juice of half a lemon, one jigger port wine, one pony brandy, a few dashes curagoa, fill the glass with fine ice; mix well. Put all in a long thin glass, trim with St. Croix Rum Punch. One tablespoonful fine sugar dissolved with a little water in a mixing-glass, add the juice of half a lemon, one jigger of St. Croix rum, fill the glass with fine ice ; mix well. Serve on ice with straws or strain, trim with fruit. Steinway Punch. Make a plain whiskey punch, strain into a long thin glass, and fill up with cold apollinaris water. fruit. Serve straws.

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