1895 Official Hand-Book and Guide Bartender's Association of New York City

1 bottle of plain soda. Mix, remove the ice and serve quick You can use Cognac brandy in place of whiskey, and the sugar left out.

Tip-Top Punch. (Use large bar glass.)

1 lump of sugar, 1dash of lemon juice. 6 small lumps of ice, 1pony of brandy. 2 slices of pineapple, 1slice of orange. Fill with champagne, mix well, trim with fruit, sip with straws. Tom and Jerry. (Use punch bowl.) Take the whites of any quantity of eggs, and beat to a stiff froth. Add 1 1/2 ablespoonfuls of powdered sugar for each egg. Beat the yolk of the eggs separate. Stir together and beat to a stiff batter. Add as much carbonate of soda as will cover a nickel. Mix frequently, so as the eggs will not separate.

How to Serve Tom and Jerry. (Use mug.) 2 tablespoonfuls of the above mixture,

1wine glass of brandy, 1pony of Jamaica rum.

Fill with hot milk, mix well, pour from one cup to another, grate nutmeg on top.


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