1895 Official Hand-Book and Guide Bartender's Association of New York City

Miller's Tom and Jerry. (Use large punch bowl.)

5 pounds of powdered sugar. Whites of1/2dozen eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Yolks of 12 eggs beaten thin as water. Mix well,3/4wine glass of Jamaica Rum. 1/4 glass of St. Croix rum. 11/4 teaspoonful of fine cinnamon, 1/4 tea- spoonful of fine cloves, 1/2 teaspoonful of fine allspice. Stir to a stiff batter. 1 tablespoonful of the mixture, 1 wine glass of brandy. Fill with boiling milk or water. Mix fine nutmeg on top. Cold Tom and Jerry. (Use small bar glass.) Prepare and serve as hot, only using cold water or milk. No. 1 Tom Collins, Gin. (Use large ale glass.) 3 teaspoonfuls of powdered sugar. 4 dashes of lemon juice,1/2doz. lumps of ice. 1 wine glass of Old Tom gin. 1 bottle plain soda water. Mix with spoon. Take out the ice. 46. How to Serve Tom and Jerry. (Use small bar glass.)

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