1895 Official Hand-Book and Guide Bartender's Association of New York City

Bottled Velvet.

1 bottle of Moselle. 1/2 pint of sherry.

The peeling of 1 lemon. 2 tablespoonfuls of sugar. A sprig of verbena. Shake well, strain and ice.

Bottle of Brandy Cocktail.

2/3 quart of brandy. 1/3 quart of water. 1 pony of Caroni Bitters. 1 wine glass of gum syrup, 1/2 pony of curacoa. Mix and bottle securely well.

Bottle of Gin Cocktail. Same as 'brandy with gin substituted for brandy.

Brandy and Ginger Ale. (Use large bar glass.) ,

Several lumps of cracked ice. 1 wine glass of brandy. 1 bottle of ginger ale. Mix thoroughly, taking care that the ale does not foam over the top of the glass.


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