1895 Official hand-book and guide (1895)

2 lumps of ice. i wine glass of gin. Stir well. Dash with sherry or port.

Gin Sling.

(Use small bar glass.)

1 lump of loaf sugar. Enough water to dissolve the sugar. 2 pieces of ice. i wine glass of malt gin. Stir, grate nutmeg on top.

Gin Smash.

(Use large bar glass.)

2 teaspoon fuls of sugar, i tablespoonful of water. 3 sprigs of mint, pressed to extract the essence. % glass of ice. i wine glass of gin. Mix well, strain into a sour glass, trim with slices of orange and berries.

Gin Sour.

(Use small bar glass.)

3 teaspoonfuls of sugar. i squirt of mineral water. 4 dashes of lemon juice. ยง glass of ice. i wine glass of gin. Mix well, strain into a sour glass, add a thin slice of lemon.


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