1895 The Mixicologist (First Edition) by C F Lawlor



Champagne Cup.

Mix in punclibowl

i quart champagne, i bottle club soda.

1 pony glass Curaçoa. 2 slices eueumber rind. A few strawberries, if in seasou. 3 or 4 slices pineapple.

Serve in star champagne-glasses.

Port Wine Sangaree. Fill mixing-glass lialf full of fine ice.

i barspoonful sugar. i piece lemon-peel. 1 jigger Port wine. Shake well, strain in star cliampagne-glass, nutj meg on top. Whiskey, brandy, and gin în tlie same manner. Half and Half. (Dublin Style.) Fill ale-glass one half with ale and the otlier with stout. Dripped Absinthe. Put pony-glass in mixing-glass, fill around with fine ice, fill pony with absinthe, drip about two jiggers water through drip in absinthe, runuing over the sides of pony ; then take out pony and stir ; strain in port-wine glass.

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