1895 The Mixicologist (First Edition) by C F Lawlor

THE MIXICOLOGIST. Tom and Jerry. (Use puncli-bowl for the mixture.) small barglass of Jamaica mm. teaspoonfuls of ground cinnamon. yi teaspoonful of ground cloves. Y* teaspoonful of ground allspice. Sufficient fine white sugar.


Take 12 fresh eggs.

Beat the whites of the eggs to a stifif froth, and the yolks until tliey are as -thin as water; tlien inix together, and add the spice and rutn ; stir up tlior- oughly, aud thicken with sugar until the mixture attains the consistence of a light batter. How to Serve Tom and Jerry. (Use T. and J. Mug.) Take 1 desertspoonful of the above mixture. 1 wineglass of brandy or whiskey. Fill the glass with boiling water, grate a little nutrneg on top, and serve with a spoou.

Hot English Rum Flip. (One quart.)

Take 1 quart of ale.

1 gill of old rum. 4 raw fresh eggs. 4 ounces of moist sugar.

Heat the ale in a sausepau ; beat up the eggs and sugar, add the nutrneg and rum, and put it ail in a

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