1896 Fancy Drinks and Poplular Beverages by the only William (paper cover)

CHECKERS OR DRAUGHTS. Robert.son's Guide to the Game of Draughts. Embraoing all of the twenty-two well-known Openings, with S,340 Variation"· including and correcting all that are given in the leading treatises already pnbliahed, with about 1,200 new and orlgine.l Variations wWoh appear for the ftret time in 'hie work, forming a thorough and complete digest and analysis of the Game with corrections and additions np to tho present time. The number of moves aggregate nearly 100,000. Matcb play by Yates, Wylie, Barker and others, will be found regularly classified. A change he.a been made In the trunks generally, and throughout th8 whole work there appears much that le fresh and original, Instead of tho nene.l well-worn book play. Bound in cloth, 8vo, 820 pages...•••.•$3.00 Anderson's Checkers. Containing complete Instructions and ru-1.es for playing Checkers or Draughts. Illustrated with Diagrams; including all the Standard Games and their Variations, and numerous Problems with their Solutions. By Andrew Anderson. In a certalneeneo, this le a reprint of Anderson's Celebrated "Second Edition", revised, corrected and enlarged by Robert M'Culloch; that le, hie play when eonnd le given intact, and where improvements have been shown they have been Incorporated, and unsound play eliminated. 12mo, cloth . ............................................... .. .... $1.30 Spayth's American Draught Player ; or the Theory and Practice of the Scientific Game of Checkers. Blmp!ifled and Illustrated with Practical Diagrams. Containing upwards of 1;700 Games and Positions. By Henry Spa.ytb. Sixth edition with over three hundred Corrections and Improvements. Containing: The Standard L awe of the Game-Full instructions-Draught Boa.rd Numbered-Names of the Games, and how formed-The "Theory of the llfovo and its Changes" practically explained and Illustrated with Diagrams-Playing Tables for Draught Clubs-New Systems of Numbering the Board-Pre– fixing signs to the Variations-List of DraughtTreatises and Pnb!lcatlons chronologically arranged. Bound in cloth, giltside and bacli:.....•$3.00 Spayth's Game of Draughts. By Henry Spn.yth. This book is designed as a supplement to the author's first work, "The American Draught· Player"; but It Is complete In itselr. It contains lucid Instruc– tions for heginners. Jaws of the game, diagrams, the score of 364 games, together with 34 novel, Instructive and ingenious "critical positions ", Cloth 1 gilt back and side..........................................81.30 Spayth's Draughts or Checkers for Beginners. This treaijse was written by Henry Spayth, the celebrated player, and is by far the most complete and Instructive elementary work on Dl'aughts ever published. It is profusely 1llustratecl with diagrams of Ingenious strata.– gems, curious p nsltfons 1md perplexing Problems and contains a great variety of Interesting nncl instructive •"ames, progressively arranged and clearly explained with nntes, so that the learner may easily comprehend them. With thA aid of this Manual a beginner may soon become a proficient In the game. Cloth, gilt side..........................73 eta. Scattergood's Game of Draughts, or Checkers Simplified and EXJ>lained. With practical Diagrams and llln•tratlons . together wltll a Cliecker-Boarn . numbered e.nd printed in red. Contslninl( the Eighteen Stsmdard Gnmes, with over 200 of the bAst variation• •elected from various antborR. \Vlth •ome nAverbefore published. By D. Scatter– MOOd. Bound in Qlotb, with flexible covers.,••. , •••• ,,,.,, ••••••60 C'fu

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