1902 Fox's Bartender's Guide
Manhattan Cocktail. Use large bar glass.
Fill glass.with ice. One dash gum syrup. One or two dashes orange bitters. One dash Curacoa-absinthe, if asked for.
One-J.alf wine-glass whiskey. One-half wine-glass Vermouth. Stir with spoon, ·strain in cocktail glass, and serve after squeezing lemon peel on top.
Olivette Cocktail. Use large bar glass. One-half glass shaved ice. Two dashes gum. Three dashes orange bitters. Three dashes absinthe. One wine-glass Plymouth gin.
Stir with spoon, and after straining in cocktail glass put in olive and serve after squeezing lemon peel 011 top. Soda Cocktail. Use large·bar-glass. Some lumps of_ broken ice. Five dashes of.bitters. One or two slices.c;mmge. Fill glas3, with lemon. soda, have- ~ll. filled with powdered .sugar for. customer.to- put in himself. In mixing do not let foam spread over glass.
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