1903 Daly's bartenders' encyclopedia

1 pony glass of maraschino.

Fill the glass with fine ice, shake well, dress the top with fruit, and serve with stra'ws. Considered the real thing by members of the foreign legations in the United States.


Use a mixing glass.

Half fill with fine ice. 2 da'shes of gum syrup. I dash of bitters (Angostura). I wine glass of honeysuckle gin.

Spoon well, strain into a cocktail glass, twist a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve.


Use a fancy sherry glass.

Half fill the glass with benedictine, drop in the yolk of one egg, fill up with pure cream, and serve. In serving this mixture the yolk of the egg must be fresh and cold. The beau ideal of the college boys with a rugged constitution, and should be used sparingly by persons who are not gifted with a strong physique.


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