1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis


Tlie Complete Bu ff et Guide, or

SHERRY EGG NOGG NO. I. (Use small bar glass.)

1 tablespoonful sugar. 1 fresh egg.

1 pony-glass brandy. 1 wine-glass sherry. Fill up with shaved ice. Shake well; strain into a fancy bar glass. Serve with nutmeg on top.

SHERRY EGG NOGG NO. 2. (Use small bar glass.)

2 teaspoonfuls sugar. 1 fresh egg. 2 wine-glass.es sherry. ~ glass shaved ice. Fill with milk; shake thor– oughly; nutmeg on top.

GOLDEN FIZZ. (Use large bar glass.)

r egg (yolk only.) .r tablespoonful powdered white sugar.

2 or 3 dashes lemon or lime juice. r wine-glass Old Tom .gin or whisky. !~ glass shaved ice. Use the shaker well; strain into a fizz glass . Fill up with Seltzer or Apollinaris and drink imme– diately..

MORNING GLORY FIZZ. (Use medium bar glass. ) Fill the glass one-half full of shaved ice...

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