1904 Applegreen's Bar Book by John Applegreen


CREAM FIZZ OR G IN PUFF . Same as gin fi zz , with a little cream a dded . STRAWBERRY FIZZ, (SjJed alty K i nsley's ). Use small mixing glass. Put into the glass one lime cut in t wo, toge ther with a small tablespoon– ful of powdered sug..r and three large straw– berries. Crush these well with your muddler; then add a little shaved ice and one jigger of dry gin. Shake all together ; strain into fizz glass ; fill glass with Johannis water and serve. RASPBERRY FIZZ, (Sj>edaltJY Kinsley's). Same as strawberry fiz z, except to s ubstitute about six red raspberries in place of the straw– berries. SILVER FIZZ. Use small mixing glass, into which put half of a fresh cut lemon, and squeeze it well with a muddler; add I small tablespoonful powdered sugar; I jigger Tom gin ; the white of one agg; small quantity of shaved ice. Shake well, strain into small lemonade glass and fill with selt zer. GOLDEN FIZZ . Same as silver fi zz, except use the yolk of an egg in place of the white. ROYAL FIZZ . Same as silver fi zz, except use the whole of the egg instead of the white only. NEW ORLEANS FIZZ . Use large bar glass, into which put I jigger Tom gin; half a lemon and half a lime ; I tablespoonful of powdered sugar. Mash well with muddler. Fine ice. Add 2 dashes of eau de fleur d 'orange (orange flower water), and small amount of cream. Shake very well, and strain into a large thin glass. Add seltzer.

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