1904 Applegreen's Bar Book by John Applegreen


BURNED B R ANDY. ( Coad j'or diar rhea.)

Put one lum p of sugar in a Gup, add on e jigge r brandy a nd ign ite ; le t it burn a b ou f one m inute and then serve in a s ma ll w ine glass . BLUE BLAZER. Put one lump of s ugar in a ti n mug , add on e j igger of Scotc h whisky a nd light it. Take another mug a nd pour from on e into the o theu several times. Serve in hot whisky glass . Ask cus tomer if he prefers nu tmeg. TOM AND J E R RY UXT URE. U se a large chin a bowl. Take the whites o f t\veke eggs and b eat to a stiff fuoth. Add one heaping table-spoonfu l o f fi ne sugar for ea ch egg. Beat the yolks of the eggs sepa rately; mix to– getheu, adding a pinch of bi-ca rbonate of soda a nd bea t to a s tiff batter . Sti r frequ ently so as to p revent th e s uga r from settling in the b ottom. Make fresh every morning . HOW TO SERVE TOM AND JERRY. Put t wo table-spoonfuls of the above mixture in to a T om a nd J en::y mug; a dd Half a jigger brandy and Half a j igger rum. Fill with b oiling h ot wa te r M ix well with a spoon, gra te nutmeg on top and serve.

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