1904 Applegreen's Bar Book by John Applegreen
CLARET PUNCH. Use large punch bowl, into which dissolve 4 pounds of sugar , then add 2 quarts lemon juice
IO qua rts clare t 2 quar ts brandy
5 quarts apollinaris I large p iece of ice Still well a nd serve in small glass cups
This may a lso be fra pped by putting it iiltOa large ice c ream freezer a nd freezing it soft. The above will serve one hundred people. SAUTER- ' ES PUNCH. Use l arge punch bowl, into which dissolve 4 pounds of sugar , then add
2 quarts lemon juice I Oquarts sauternes 2 quar ts brandy
I pin t apple b randy 4 q ua rts apollinaris I can of ? rated pineapple I la rge piece of ice Stir well and serve in small glass cups. This may also be frapped by p u tting it into a large ice cream f.reezer and freezing in soft. The above serves one h und red people. _ PARISIAN PUNCH. Use large pm~ch bowl, into which dissolve
6 pou nds suga r, then add 8 quarts white B u rgundy 2 quar ts b randy 3 quarts c reme de curacoa
2 quarts lemon juice 8 quarts apollinaris
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