1904 Applegreen's Bar Book by John Applegreen



MINT JULEPS AND SMASHES. W HISKY MIKT J ULEP. Use la rge th in glass. Dissoh-e one lump of sugar in a little water Put about : ouG sp r igs o Efresh m int Fine ice Add one jigger of ""h isky Stir well with a la rge ba r spoon Fill glass with icP. Decorate with a p iece oE sliced orange, one piece o f sliced pine a pple anci s trawberries. Put a few sprigs of mint on top. Serve wi th s traws. A little Ja maica mm can also be added if cus– tomer so prefers. BRAKD Y M INT J ULEP . Same as ,,·h isky julep, except to use bra ndy in place of whisky. APPLE BRANDY MINT J UL E P . Same a s wh isky mint julep, except to use apple brandy in place of whisky. GIK MINT J ULEP. Same as whisky mint julep, except to use T om gin, Sch iedam gin, o r De Kuyper gin, o r a ny other gin customer p re fers. OLD _SOUTH E R N MINT J ULEP. U se large cut gla ss O ne lump of cut loa f sugar dissoh'ed in a little water

About six sp rigs of fresh mint F our or fi,·e lumps of small ice Add one jigger of brandy Stir well

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