1904 Applegreen's Bar Book by John Applegreen

BARKEEPERS' GU IDE. 49 a roma t put into a small glass of seltzer. S tir well. A good se ttler fo r the stomach. BICARBO)l' ATE OF SODA. T ake a sma ll glass of wa ter Add 7f teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda. Stir well. Ver y good fo r sour s tomach. D I ARRHE A MI XTURE . T ake a whi sky glass, into wh ich put 2 dash es of J amaica ginger I dash of peppermin t 1 pony brandy I pony b lackber ry brandy Add a little nu tmeg. HEADACHE DRINKS. T ake two ta ll glasses. into one of which put a large teaspoonful of bromo soda, b romo seltzer or bromo caffeine a s preferred. F ill the other glass half full of water · Pour the wa ter onto th e bromo, and pour from one glass to th e otht r u n til thoroughly mix ed D rink while effervescent. GOLFER. U se old-fashi oned toddy glass, in to which put T h e juice of half a lime I jigger of Scotch whisky Small lump of ice F iil glass with seltzer, then add a small bar· spoonfu l of powdered sugar . ANGELICA FIZZ. U se small mixing glass , into which put The juice of half a lime

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