1904 Applegreen's Bar Book by John Applegreen

BARKEEPERS' GUIDE. 7 muddler ; then put in lemon peel on the sugar, and the lump ice. 1 dash Peychaud or Angostura bitters Some people prefer to have their old-fashioned cockta il strained, and it is well to ask your custo– mer if he so prefers it, a nd, if so, stra in in to a whisky glass. OLD-FASHIONED GIN COCKTAI L . Same aJ old fashioned whisky cocktail, except use gin in place of whisky, using Tom gin, Ply– mouth gin, Holland gin or whatever brand the customer d esires. OLD-F ASHIONED BRANDY COCKTAIL. Same as old-fashioned whisky cocktail , except use brandy in place of whisky. OLD-FASHIONED SHERRY COCKTAIL. Same as old-fashioned whisky cocktail, except use shE:rry in place of whisky. OLD-FASHIONED VERMOUTH COCKTAIL. Same as old-fashioned whisky cocktail, except use vermouth in place of whisky. Use F rench or Italian vermouth, whichever is prefered by your customer. OLD-FASHIONED MANHATTAN COCKTAIL. Same as old-fashioned whisky cocktail except use ~ jigger of whisky and ~ jigger of Italian vermouth. OLD-FASH IONED MARTINI COCKTAIL. Same as old-fashioned whisky cocktail, except use r jigger good whisky Stir well and serve.

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