1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe
viLlual chink can mak e that drinlt in bulk without any recipe whatever. 'l'hc highest perfection of a drink is a t– t ained in the i ndividual or single mixed drink. Now, a bar man who can mix a fi~e individual Sauterne punch should not be in the least disconcerted if '' My Lady'' should come to him a nd order Sauterne punch for 1,000 or 2,000 people_ H e needs no r ecipe for that. It is only a matter of simple calcula– tion and care. Of the many fruits that ar e em– ployed in t he making of wine punches in bulk, there is one, and the b est of all, whose mer its are little known for this purpose, and the fruit is seldom used. This fruit is the Shad– dock. There is no fruit in the world which imparts such a delicious :flavor to Sauterne, or any other dry wi de punch, as the Shaddock. It should be cut in slices and :floated on top of t he punch. Study well this little book. It will make you capable and resourceful and you will succeed. Use none but the best of goods ancl bny the best for the least money that the best can be had for_ HOW TO CARE FOR AND SERVE MILK, EGGS AND FRUIT. Keep milk, eggs and fruit in a clean, sweet ice box. N o more fruit should be cut up and no nrnre berries provitled than enough for one clay 's use. Fruit and berries left over from one clay to a nother should not be used. Never mix to-day's milk with yesterday's milk; this spoils both- Use glass or eart henware vessels t'nly for milk when taken from th e can-P,referably pitchers. If the milk is k ept in a can
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