1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe



HOW TO KEEP AND !HOW TO SERVE DRY WINES. Clarets, Burgundies, White Wines, Sauternes, and all other dry wines should b e-k ept in a cool place, with au even t emperature. If severely chill ed t hey will become cloud ed, losing all t heir brilliancy. Th e bottles should be on the side, so th at wine covers the cork. Th ese wines do not k eep well except in bottles. Dry wine shipped in bulk should be all owed t o rema in nnclisturbcd and unopened in the cask fo r t hree or four clays to entirely r e– cover from the shaking up received in transportation. It should th en be promptly bottled, using corks th at fi ll the neck air tight . If a par t of t he wine be drawn , admitting a ir into the cask, t he remaining win o will soon be– come affected and quickly t urn ''milk sour.'' The fin er and lighter t he wine, the more cer tain is this to occur. It is owing to no imperfection of the win e, but because th e natural alcoholic str ength of pure dry wines is never suffi cient to withstand the action of the germs of fermentation in t he open air. · Observe the foregoin g directions ancl your wines will k eep in splendid condi– t ion; otherwise, no matter how fin e t hey may b e, you are very likely to have trouble, and blame the wine mer chant most unjustly. Clarets and Burgundies should be served at a t emperature from 70 to 75 degrees. White Wines and Sautern es from 45 ~o 50 degrees. Never put on ice nor put ice in the ' glass. Champagne cases should b e opeuecl with great care and th e bot tl es laid away on t heir sid es. Th ere should b e a compartment on the shelves for each kincl of wine, which i s to be laid hori-

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