1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe
TOAST TO THE FREE LUNCH BAR. H er e's to the bar ma n, n ot to avarico sold; May his profits incr ease t en thousand fold; lVIay t he b right yellow dust pile up in bis pau; ~i[ay he never b ecome a moneyless man. * THE MONEYLESS MAN. (By the greatest American poet.) Is there no secr et place on t ho face of th e earth, Wher e cha rity dwelleth, wher e v irtue bas birth~ Wher e bosoms in mer cy and kindness will heave, When t he poor a ncl the wretched shall ask ancl r eceive Is there n o place at all, w her e a knock from the poor, Will b ring a kind angel to open t he door~ Ah, search the wide world wher ever you can, Ther e's but ONE open door for a Moneyless lVIan. Go, look in yon hall wher e the cha n– delier 's light Dispels w it h its splendor the darkness of night, Where t h e rich h anging velvet in shadowy fold Sweeps gracefully clown with its trim– mings of gold, And t he mirr or s of silver take up, and r enew, In l ong lighted vistas t h e 'wildering view; Go there, a t the banquet, a nd find, if y ou can, A welcoming smile for a Moneyless · Man!
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