1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe



Cock t ail, Club.

Use large bar glass. Ice, sbaved 1

fill glass lh full.

Pineapple syrup, 2 dashes. Bitters, 2 dashes. Mar aschino, 2 dashes. Old brandy, %, jigger.

·Mix with spoon; strain ; d ress with strawberries a nd t wist pi ece of lemon peel on top and dash with cha mp:1gne.

Cocktail, Coffee. Use large bar glass. Ice, fill glass 2-3 full. Sugar, 1 t easpoonful• . Egg, 1. Port wine, 1 wineglass. Brandy, 1 pony.

Shake well ; strain into mcdium– i zed thin glass ; sprinkle with nutmeg nd serve. ockta il, Country. Use mixing glass. Ice, fill the glass. Ora nge bitters, 2 dashes. Doker 's or Angostura bitters, 2 ashes• :Rye whiskey, 1 j.igger.

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