1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe
Orange bitter s, 1 dash. Gum syrup, 2 dashes. Vermouth, F r en ch, % jigger. Br andy, % jigger. Cocktail, Old Fashioned. Use old-fashioned cocktail glass. Sugar, 1 lump. Seltzer, 1 dash, and crush sugar with muddler. Ice, one square piece.
Ora nge ·bitters, 1 dash. Angostura bitters, 1 dash.
L emon peel, 1 piece. Whiskey; 1 jigger. Stir g ently antl ser ve with spoon.
"ON THE HousE"
Cocktail, Old Sport. Vse mixing glass. Ice, fine, fill glass 2-3 full. Syrup, 2 teaspoonfuls. Pineapple syrup, 1 t easpoonful. Orange bitters, 2 dashes. Angostura or Peyscha ud 's bitters, 1 clash. Sherry wine, lh jigger. Whiskey, rye, 12 jigger. tir well and etrain into a cocktail
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