1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe

ROW TO MU THEM 23 glass wh ich h:lS been evenly coat ed insid e by r insing t he glass wit h Y:! t easpoonful of abricotine. Dash wit h Apollinaris or selt zer, dress with frui t and serve. Cockt ail, Old Tom Gin. Use small b ar glass. Ice, shaved, fill glass. Gum syrup, 3 dashes. Angostura or Boker 's b itters, 2 •lashes. 'uracoa, 2 dashes. Olrl '1'0111 gin, 1 win eglass. St ir ; st rain; twist piece of lemon peel on top and serve. Cocktail, Oyst er. Use t umbler.

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L emon juice, 3 clashes. Tobasco sauce, 1 dash. Tomato catsup, 1 clash. Oysters, six, with t heir liquor.

Season with pepper and salt; mix and ser ve wit h sma ll fork in t he glass. Cocktail, Rising Sun.

Uso a large bn r glass. Jee, 'shaved, :fill glass. Curacoa, 1 t easpoonful. P ineapple syrup, 1 t easpoonful. Angostm a bitters, 3 dashes.


Maraschi no, 2 dashes. BTancly, 1 wineglass.


Stir well ; strain into cocktail glass ; twist a piece of lemon peel on t op nn

Brandyt 1 pony. Whisk ey, 1 pony. Vermout h, 1 pony.

S i1ak e well ; strain into claret and ser ve with a slice of lemon.

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