1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe
FA CY DRl 1 K :
Santa Cru z nun, 1 win egla ss. Stir ; dress with fru it aud serve with str aw. Fix, Whiskey. Prepare in the same ma nner as for Applejack Fix, substitu ting whiskey
for Applejack. Fizz, Brandy. Use medium bar glass. Ice, sh aved, % glass.
Sugar, 1 t easponful. L emon, juice of :\6 . Brandy, 1 wineglass. . Egg, white of, 1 or 2 dash es.
Shake ; strain into fizz glass; fill up with ·seltzer or Appollinaris water and serv e to b e imbibed at once while ef– fervescing. Fizz, Gin (Silver),
Use large b a r glas. Ice, fin e ; fill gluss•.
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