1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe



Whiskey, Rye or Bourbon (allow cu!! tomer to pour). Ginger ale; fill up glass. High Ball, Golf Links. Use High Ball glass. Ice, 1 lump. Pineapple syrup, 1 t easpoonful. Lemon juice, 1 teaspoonful. Sweet Catawba wine, 1h wineglass.

Rye whiskey, 1h glass. M edford rum, 1 dash.

ScoTCH H1aH BALL . Apollinaris or seltzer water ; fill up glass. Stir gently and ser ve. High Ball, :King Edward. Use High Ball glass. Ice, 1 lump. Pineapple syrup, 1 t easpoonful. L emon juice, 1 t easpoonful. Tokay or l::lweet Cat awba wine 1;:! wineglass. ' Scotch whiskey, 1h wineglass.

Made with