1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe



iniplies-lies wholly i n t he conscientiou s and intelligent manner in which t!1c duties of that occupation are dis– charged. In recent y ears, the bar busin ess, k eeping pace with every oth er depart– ment of commercial enterprise, to which our growing and complex civilization has given impetus, has developed into a profession requiring th e hig hest or– der of scientific skill to in sure success. To all t hose engaged in the dispensing of liquors who are ambitious to elevat e t heir business to th e very highest plane of excellence, this pock et gmde wi ll ap– peal, with greater and greater force, after t hey shall have examined , i t s contents and realized the full extent of its in estimable usefulness and value. Prompted more by a desire to confer a lasting benefit upon fe1low workers, in t he great art of mixing drinks, than from any · business consid eration, this little work is most confid ently entru sterl to the k indly consideration and th e fair and impar tial judgment of th e profes- sion by THE AUTHOR.

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