1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe
Brandy, 3 gallon s. Tokay, 3 gallons.
Give a good stir with an oak paddl e: a nd put the vessel in ice box or the coolest place at ha nd, and l et it stand 6 to 10 hours. Do not put ice in this b asic mixture. Just before the time to b egin to serve on a holiday, whether in a hotel b ar, lar ge city bar, club b ar or gentleman 's r esidence, add :
Carbonated water (gooc1) 1
5 gallons.
Champagne, 36 qu art bottles. If served in a bar, place a l arge punch bowl on the counter and in it put a large piece of clear ice, decorat– ing the top t astily witb fruits. Then fill this bowl up from the original brew-
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