1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe
Abricotine, %, wineglass. Brandy, 1h pint. Tokay or Sweet Catawba, 3 quar t l; ottles. Clar et, 1 quart bottle. Stir; serve in stem glasses dressed v;it h fruit. I'unch, Golf Links. Use mixing glass. Ice, fine; fill glass 2-3 f ull. Sugar, 1 tablespoonful.
L emon juice, 1h of 1 lemon. Jamaica r um, 1 t easpoonf ul. Abricotine, 1 teaspoonful. Sweet Catawba, 1h wineglass. Whiskey (rye), 1h wineglass. Egg, white of 1.
Shake well; strain into punch glass; dress with fruit; fill up with carbonated water and serve with little nutmeg on top.
Punch, Holiday No. 1 (25 gallon mix– ture for 500 people). Use a new, clean whiskey barrel or better, if it can be had, a large tub or vessel of ag11t e ware or one porce– lain lined; the object b eing not to have th e vessel impart any foreign taste t o the compound.
Pineapple, 8 cans. Oranges, 72, sliced. Lemons, 36, sliced. Curacoa, 5 quarts. Yellow Chartreuse, 3 quarts.
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