1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe
IIOW '.ro MIX •.rHEM
Punch, Solar Plexus. .Use mixing glass. J ee, shaved; fill up glass. Sugar, 1 t ablespoonful. Pineapple syrup, 1 tablespoo nful. L emon, juice of lj,.. J am.aicn; rum, 1 t e-aspoonfu l.
Abncotrne, 1 t easponful. Sherry ~ine, 1h wineglass. Rye wln sk ey, % wineglass. Egg, the white of 1.
Shake well ; strain into a pun ch glass; add fruit; fill up with ca;-bo11ated water; sprinkle with nutmeg a nd serve. \ Punch, St. Croix. Use large bar glass. Ice, sh aved ; fi ll up glass. Jamaica rum, 1 t easpoonful. St. Croix rum, 1 wineglass. Stir; dr ess with fruit and berries and serve with a straw. Punch, Steinway. Use mbcing glass. Ice, shaved; fill glass nearly full. Sugar, l oaf, two lumps. Lemon, l,4 of 1, with t he peel on. Apollinaris; fi ll glass 1-3 full. Whiskey, 1 jigger- Press the oil from th e rind of the lemon; stir well and strain into· punch glass containing fruits and serve. Sugar, 2 t easpoonfuls. L emon juice, 4 dashes.
Punch, Tip Top.
Use large bar gl ass. Ice, shaved; fill glass 1h full. Brandy, 1 pony . Sugar, 1 teaspoonful. Pineappl e, 2 slices. 'Orange, 2 slices. L emon juice, 2 dash es.
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